I remember making an account for this game when I was 9 since that was part of my password, so it must have been in 2010 when I started playing this. I remember thinking it was the coolest thing ever that I could have my own house and decorate it, as well as have my build-a-bear animals come alive in this game. I grew out of it before it closed down and I actually just learned that it did close down, only 7 years later.

It was exactly what you think it is. It was an MMO where you walked around the digital world, customized your character and house, and played minigames; pretty much exactly Club Penguin with a reskin. That's all I really remember from this game but I think it served its purpose of further promoting their brand since you could only play if you had a code for a build-a-bear animal's birth certificate, which meant you had to buy one.

I know this isn't much of a review but remembering this game was a rush of nostalgia for me and I actually had to make the page for this game on IGDB since I couldn't find it. It must just be a really niche game. This game was more than enough for my 9 year old self to enjoy.

Reviewed on Aug 26, 2022

1 Comment

2 months ago

i thank you for making the page