[From Media Thread]

I’ve been fixated on Suda51 games for a FEW months now, and no game has ever made me feel so many things like this game has, nothing will EVER come close to doing so. I wish I could re-experience it again.

[From Media Thread]

A perfect remake of two perfect games, one of which I’ve experienced for the first time. A few things were retconned here and there but not to the point where the experience was hindered. See you soon Kyle Hyde... (I hope :3)

[From Media Thread]

Just started the post-game chapter and I am in TEARS about this game. Really good story, great characters and really nice gameplay. I’m a bit surprised that it doesn’t take as long as i expect an RPG to take to beat, but still great.

[From Media Thread]

Left a huge impact me as much as the original did, and playing it while I’m going through deep shit made me appreciate it and a lot more things way more. Persona has bad rep behind it but the games are so worth going through at least ONCE.