incredibly entertaining fast food gaming. zero substance, great looks... kinda like a merge of Cavia's weirdo PS2 games with that 360 shine.

this is the antithesis of Homefront's boring approach to this genre of minimalistic shooting affair and that's good.

Reviewed on Aug 30, 2022


1 year ago

There's some really great (frankly inspirational) meat & potatoes game design to it as well! Like the spacial design of the levels (airport, for instance) and terrain destruction implemented more meaningfully than I've seen anywhere else. Also, I love the idea that a downside of casting Meteor is that you have a good chance of getting Meteored. Final Fantasy could learn something from this.

I like how "360 shine" is meant literally. The shiny pavement lol.

1 year ago

yeeeah the huge spaces you're meant to navigate make the scale feel so nice and grounded. even the smaller areas like the airport you mentioned just let you loiter around technically useless parts of the map. i barely messed with the spells so i didn't notice that meteor double edge, that's cool!