Story is weird and not good in comparison to the previous games.

Gameplay is okay, there are a few issues I've noticed with selecting units and the camera. The new mechanics introduced like using cover and the ship abilities aren't needed and they could have stuck to the way the gameplay was in the prior games.

Graphics and sound are good, although animation in the story cutscenes does not feel natural.

It's not perfect, but it's a great remake.

Mari is the only fully modeled pilot in the game and that makes this an instant 5/5.

Ok ok, serious though, this was one of the more unique rhythm games I've played and it was enjoyable throughout.


Terrible long special card animations. Also the draw 2 card makes all players draw which as a result the game becomes unnecessarily long.

It's a solid game but can be very slow even with simulation speed at max. Don't expect to have a full mall built within a few real hours of gameplay.

For a modern Monopoly game, it's a solid entry.

"Press X to start"

This is as far as I could get. For whatever reason, the game refuses to start on my PS4.


When I choose a classic UNO deck, I expect to only have classic UNO cards, not to have random DLC cards slipped into the deck to encourage me to buy them.

Plenty of card games but they put way too much engineering into the GUI and the graphics as a whole are awful.

The core Monopoly game is there but the UI is rough, and music is mostly nowhere to be found.

Fantastic story and fun to play. But way too long cutscenes, less emphasis on stealth, and runs terribly on native hardware.

From an engine perspective, this game is a good Project Diva style rhythm game. But from a content perspective it's awful. A very small number of tracks are actually included with the game, so you are relying on community produced content. There is plenty of community content available but most of it is hard or extreme difficulty so unless you like playing at that level it's a miserable experience to play.