I really enjoyed this! Short and sweet, keeps up decent momentum for a handful of hours and doesn't overstay its welcome. Tying relationship progression to combat progression worked really well; the two systems played off each other without making it feel overly grindy trying to max out every relationship (the whetsone is invaluable here, it was great planning on the devs' part to make that available when they did).

I'm curious what a 20-hour version of this game might look like. I was expecting four dunjes (dunji?) based on the plushie cabinet, and at the very least I think it could have used a third. Higher difficulty, or maybe less generosity with XP, would have forced me to me more thoughtful about combat. As it was, there was a lot going on with zines/abilities/items that I barely ever looked at.

But like I said, it's a nice breezy play as is, and resources are finite so I get why the scope is what it is. The only real pain point for me was the text messages. I'm not the most patient person, and it was frustrating to wait for series of messages to come in, particularly when multiple people were texting me at once.

Reviewed on Aug 15, 2022
