Perpetual Steam Game Giveaway

1. Select a game you'd like to play.
2. Leave a comment below letting me know which game you're interested in
3. Add me as a friend on Discord (@duhnuhnuh_duhnuhnuh) or Steam, and send me a message so I can give you the Steam key
4. Play and review the game. Please try to write at least a paragraph. I'm interested to hear what you thought. After a bad experience, please note that I will be checking to make sure you didn't plagiarize your review. Plagiarism = ban from participating
5. And I mean actually play and review it. Not "dick around for 30 minutes, write two sentences, and ask for another key". Repeat offenders will likely find themselves unable to pick new games
6. If you've written a thoughtful review of the first game you picked, you can select another. You can repeat the process over and over as long as you review!
7. These are given away on a first come, first served basis, and you can only pick one game at a time. I won't "hold" or "reserve" anything, so choose wisely
Games given away since 12 April, 2024: 64
I buy too many bundles and sometimes wind up with duplicates or games I know I'll never play, so I'd like to give back to the Backloggd community. Don't worry, it's not all bundle trash (but there is some here if you're a dedicated dumpster diver). I'm making these free, but with the caveat that you only get one until you write a review and link it back to me.

I will unfortunately have to delete comments from time-to-time since Backloggd doesn't have an option to put them in reverse chronological order. I'll keep the giveaway counter up-to-date [update: later comments don't backfill to the first page when old ones are deleted. I'll stop removing them]

Note: These are all Steam keys and can only be redeemed on that platform. You can redeem the key I send you on this Steam page if you're logged in. Please note, some keys may have geographic restrictions. Most are ROW and should work anywhere, but please note that a few may be NA region only.


2 months ago

@duhnuhnuh thank you!

2 months ago

DNN, what games are still available now that you've had a bunch of responses haha.

2 months ago

@RedBackLoggd, Everything listed is still available! I've been keeping it up to date and removing games as they're requested.

2 months ago

Dang man, how in the world did you get so many free codes haha?

Btw, I've done reviews for a few of these games like Gemini Rue and Whispered World, so I don't know if they could be retrofitted towards completion of your competition.

That aside, I'll take Blue Fire if it's still available - need a solid pallet cleanser once I'm done with RE2 Remake haha. What's the turnaround you're looking at?

2 months ago

@RedBackLoggd, Oh, there's no set deadline; I didn't want people to think of writing the review as a chore. The only rule is that the selected game must be reviewed before a new one is chosen.

Blue Fire is still available, and I see what I presume is your friend request in Discord, so I'll deliver the key in a moment.

As for how I accumulated them, it's mostly just through buying too many bundles over the years. I try to trade my more expensive extras on, but these wouldn't fetch much of a return there (even some of the more popular titles like the Fallout or Batman: Arkham games I've listed)

2 months ago

Copy, understood.

2 months ago

Is this for real?? Amazing stuff that you're doing this!

Ngl I do find comfort in making negative reviews about games that I don't like and what I don't like about them, this feels like a challenge for me and I kinda like it :D

I'm adding you on Discord for Röki if that ok, if not, feel free to decline or ignore.

2 months ago

I'm not here to request a game in particular, but I think more people should play Everhood and someone should take it. 😎

2 months ago

@yasarumit, lol, yes it's for real. I see your invite on Discord, so I'll drop your key soon

2 months ago

@hotpoppah y'know what, good point
@duhnuhnuh if everhood is still free I'll yoink it, I already reviewed windjammers 2 if you haven't seen it

2 months ago

@MrWarm, yup! I've seen it (and believe liked it as well).
And I've still got Everhood, thankfully. I'll send it via Discord in the morning

2 months ago

@duhnuhnuh lets go, ty

2 months ago

I have my own unreasonably large backlog of bundled games but I absolutely recommend playing Golf Club Wasteland, whether you choose to yourself or whoever is looking for a good game to pickup.

2 months ago

Hey! I know someone has previously requested Everhood but I still see it on the list. Is there any chance I could grab it if it’s still available?

2 months ago

@Slimeyhipo, YES! I loved that game, especially the music. I still get that Two Astronauts song stuck in my head sometimes. Hoping someone picks it soon

@Vengeance, So sorry, I wound up giving that away earlier this morning. If I wind up with another copy somehow (not impossible thanks to Fanatical), you'll be the first to know. Feel free to select another title, though!

2 months ago

This is a really cool thing you're doing. Is Finding Paradise still available?

2 months ago

@SeriesGuy_811, thank you, and yes, I've still got that one!

2 months ago

@duhnuhnuh Awesome, I'll send you a message on Steam!

2 months ago

@SeriesGuy_811, just saw your Steam friend request and dropped the key in chat. Enjoy!

2 months ago

Hi, is Fallout New Vegas still available? And does it have all the DLCs? If not, I'm still interested in getting it. I'll send a friend request on Discord once you reply. Thanks!

2 months ago

Is Roadwarden still avaliable?

2 months ago

@MilkAddict, It's still available, but I'm pretty sure it's just the base version. Hopefully the Ultimate Edition will go on sale on Steam soon so you can complete it on the cheap. I'll keep an eye out for on Discord for your friend request

2 months ago

@Chiseled, yup! Still have it

2 months ago

Cool. Is Telepath Tactics still available?

2 months ago

@duhnuhnuh here’s my olliolli world review, it’s a bit shorter but there wasn’t much to cover because of the simplicity of it all. enjoy!

2 months ago

Hey, still got Fashion Police Squad? I sent you a friend request on Steam!

2 months ago

Shantae and the Seven Sirens, please?

2 months ago

I don't really use steam that much so I don't think I can participate, but I just want to say that this is a really cool idea! Cheers! :)
Maybe one day I'll set up my account so I can ask for a game in the future

2 months ago

@umezono: Yep, still have it, feel free to add me on Discord or Steam (in description) so I can send it
@zeusdeegoose: Thank you so much, really enjoyed your review! And yes, I've still got Shantae. I'll send it to you on Discord shortly
@Artur: Still have it, and I see your friend request on Steam. I'll drop it in a few minutes!
@Mapache: Thank you, and cheers!

2 months ago

Well, it's already paid for, so might as well. I'll take Strikey Sisters, if still available.

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