Perpetual Steam Game Giveaway

1. Select a game you'd like to play.
2. Leave a comment below letting me know which game you're interested in
3. Add me as a friend on Discord (@duhnuhnuh_duhnuhnuh) or Steam, and send me a message so I can give you the Steam key
4. Play and review the game. Please try to write at least a paragraph. I'm interested to hear what you thought. After a bad experience, please note that I will be checking to make sure you didn't plagiarize your review. Plagiarism = ban from participating
5. And I mean actually play and review it. Not "dick around for 30 minutes, write two sentences, and ask for another key". Repeat offenders will likely find themselves unable to pick new games
6. If you've written a thoughtful review of the first game you picked, you can select another. You can repeat the process over and over as long as you review!
7. These are given away on a first come, first served basis, and you can only pick one game at a time. I won't "hold" or "reserve" anything, so choose wisely
Games given away since 12 April, 2024: 64
I buy too many bundles and sometimes wind up with duplicates or games I know I'll never play, so I'd like to give back to the Backloggd community. Don't worry, it's not all bundle trash (but there is some here if you're a dedicated dumpster diver). I'm making these free, but with the caveat that you only get one until you write a review and link it back to me.

I will unfortunately have to delete comments from time-to-time since Backloggd doesn't have an option to put them in reverse chronological order. I'll keep the giveaway counter up-to-date [update: later comments don't backfill to the first page when old ones are deleted. I'll stop removing them]

Note: These are all Steam keys and can only be redeemed on that platform. You can redeem the key I send you on this Steam page if you're logged in. Please note, some keys may have geographic restrictions. Most are ROW and should work anywhere, but please note that a few may be NA region only.


28 days ago

Hi, I'm interested in playing more games by indie devs I like, and there are quite a few on your list. Is the Chop Goblins key still available?

27 days ago

My username is snu_mobil on Steam, BTW. The link is on my profile here.
Thanks to you, I managed to complete and publish a review for Duck Detective. I always have doubts about my judgment as a reviewer, whether I've played the game enough or if my perspective is valid. I guess I simply have to dismiss all that, and just start writing and reviewing.

27 days ago

@panini: Yup! Still have a copy left. I see your friend request on Steam, so I'll send it over in just a moment. And happy you were able to get your Duck Detective review put! Reviewing can definitely be a challenge at times, but recognizing that your own opinions are about as valid as anyone else's on this website can take some of the heat off.

@BrunoML: It sure is, and I'm always happy to share Szymanzki brothers games with people. I see your Steam request, so I'll send it over momentarily.

20 days ago

Hello! Do you still have "12 is Better than 6"? I'm playing a lot of hotline miami recently and it got me interested

20 days ago

@RMauro, I do! I see your Steam friend request, so I'll send out your game in just a moment

18 days ago

Hello again! Thanks again for Arkham City. Glad I could write a review. Can I get Impostor Factory?

17 days ago

@Jerychon, sure thing! I'll drop the key on Discord

15 days ago

Hi, I'm back. Enjoyed Aces & Adventures, thank you so much! May I join the giveaway again for Roadwarden?

14 days ago

@panini: I'm so sorry, Roadwarden got claimed a while ago, but I must have forgotten to remove it from the list. Feel free to pick out another game, though!

14 days ago

@duhnuhnuh Yay, thank you for allowing me to join again! I was about to ask about Citizen Sleeper, but it's gone too like Roadwarden. T_T Is Wytchwood still available? If not, I'll go for Roguebook. Name on Steam is snu_mobil BTW, thanks again!

14 days ago

@panini, That one, I do have! I'll drop it for you on Steam

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