Sights & Sounds
- Nice pixel art with a gloomy palette appropriate for the decaying world Niko wakes up in
- The music is fine and does its job; nothing I'll be jamming to later, but I still enjoyed it for what it is
- Character designs are pretty nice. Most of the robots looked pretty generic, but I loved the bird people for some reason

Story & Vibes
- The story is really good. Bits and pieces of the world are hinted at in your first run through the game, but the "real" run spells everything out for you and connects the dots
- What do I mean by "real" playthrough? Play it yourself; I don't want to spoil the surprise
- Despite the somber colors and end-of-the-world scenario, there's a few little nuggets of humor here and there
- Thematically speaking, the game touches on ideas of existence and interpersonal relationships, but doesn't really dive too deeply into these ideas (besides the relationship between the protagonist and the player, but that's another story)
- The game does like to mess with you, and 4th wall breaking is part of the appeal, so keep that in mind

Playability & Replayability
- The controls are as simple as you would expect in a puzzle/adventure game. Walk, run, and interact are really the only things you'll be doing... in the game window, at least
- I'm usually connect my PC to my TV so I can play on the couch, but this isn't really the game for that. Follow the game's advice and play in windowed mode on your computer
- That 4th wall breaking is actually well integrated into the gameplay. I don't want to spoil the specifics in my review, but you'll be
- I probably won't be revisiting it, but not for lack of enjoyment. I just already know the main plot twist

Overall Impressions & Performance
- The game ran perfectly up until the second time I got to the Glen, right before heading to the research station to . Not sure why; my specs are good and this game could run on a potato
- Overall, the game is an enjoyable and refreshing take on what constitutes gameplay and interactivity in the medium

Final Verdict
8/10. Definitely worth it for full price given the novelty of playing it, and it's super cheap to boot. Be sure to play it all the way through. ALL the way. Look up a guide if you need to

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2024
