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Xial49 finished Star Revenge 2: Act 1 to the Moon
Before starting with the Review i just want to thank BroDute and all the other modders that just give us free ROM HACKS to play on the get go. Now where can i start ?

I don't know how to feel about this ROM actually , cause it's not that bad to play , but if you see all of the other BroDute's works the difference in quality its pretty noticeable. The theme of the hack is centered around being a meme fiesta , wich works for the first couple of minutes the firtst time you see one. Ideas for courses in general weren't that bad , but compared to a lot of things i've seen from him they fall badly. The adventure is split into 2 main areas with one being a nastier and more difficult version of the other , courses included. For instance i loved Course 6 with the Castle inverted and all of the challenging platforming. It's a shame that out of 6 courses 4 and a half felt so passable, with some cool extra putted here and there.
Overall a sufficient experience , but nothing special.

[ 6.2 / 10 ]

7 days ago

Xatamit finished Assassin's Creed II
Assassin's Creed II was a great experience, but it had some flaws.
I had never played any other title in the saga, and its peculiar characteristics immediately attracted me: the fascinating historical setting, the revolutionary and truly astonishing for that time parkour system, and the decidedly layered and exciting lore. These are the qualities that kept me glued to the screen until the end, putting up with the major flaws that I found. The combat system is not that great: you can win any battle by counterattacking or even just button smashing; the enemy AI isn't the best, and has never posed a threat, and despite being an assassin game, the stealth component is rather disappointing and not very stratified.
But either way, I've fallen in love with the franchise, and I can't wait to explore all the chapters from its golden era.

8 days ago

Stabbed finished Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Full disclosure, this is a very generous score. I did not enjoy myself very much in the back half of this game, and it did worse than frustrate me; it disappointed me. Let's get the bad out of the way first. The gameplay can be repetitive. That sounds vague, and it is, because repetition isn't always a bad thing. The core gameplay of this feels very arcade-inspired, and I think it works for the most part. It's not the best, but it's serviceable and is greatly assisted by the superb map design and enemy design (to a point). However, the second half of this game is where the repetition starts to become a serious problem. Not only does it practically ask you to search the whole map again, it does so while flooding every room with enemies that deal massive amounts of damage to you while you struggle to get even one hit in due to the game's excessive knockback. It turns a challenging experience into a grueling one, where I found myself skipping over areas simply because I didn't want to deal with the hassle of slogging through more enemies. Similarly, this problematic second half falters in most other departments; the exploration is limited due to the fixation on using the Bat ability to explore, the music gets noticeably less... noticeable, with the tracks feeling like watered down remixes, and even the enemy design starts to use degraded bosses and reskinned enemies to continue the trend of padding (note: the bosses do look great). So with all this negativity, why is my score still so high?

A bad ending can leave a sour taste in your mouth and may skew your perspective, but if I force myself to look at this as a whole, it is an insanely impressive game for its time that, outside of aforementioned problems, has aged quite well. The presentation is simply top-notch; the music is exquisite and fits the tone of every area you go to, be it thumping bass and percussion underscoring your first foray into action, or a delicate regal harpsichord piece reminding you of the gothic royalty that owns this castle. The sprite work is great, with fluid animations, a scarce but effective use of 3D models to enhance certain scenes and give an added richness to the backdrops, and a very memorable art style done by the great Ayami Kojima. Even the story, as simple and clunky as it is, managed to hook me as I found myself shockingly intrigued into the nature of the main cast. As I've mentioned, the gameplay can be a bit stale, but the bedrock is stable enough that it never becomes completely mind-numbing and switches things up just enough to keep your head in the game.

Do I like this game? Yes. Do I love this game? No. Do I have very mixed feelings about this game? Definitely. But, do I have an immense respect for this game's ambition and its shockwaves of influence spreading to so much of gaming that came after it? Without question.

The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

8 days ago

Suavevillain reviewed The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition
Skyrim is really fun when modded. The main story is kinda mid tho.

10 days ago

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Xial49 is now playing Manifold Garden

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