this would be one of the coolest games of the decade if the pacing wasn't so bogged down by wave after wave of enemies. the gameplay is incredibly fun, but the combat loop is unfortunately tedious at many points. i found myself exhausted by the third act. your health melts before you know where the enemy is and by the third act you're most likely relying on the throw ability (which i recommend upgrading first.) assisted mode can alleviate some of the annoyance, but it feels like a band aid on an unbalanced game. the atmosphere is incredible, especially with headphones. the story is confusing, but still engrossing and gives you a lot to think about after the credits. unfortunately combat encounters more often feels like an interruption, than a fun challenge. i feel better checkpoints would've gone a long way to keep the pacing fresh. i do plan on playing the dlc, especially for the alan wake connections. despite my complaints, this game is definitely worth playing. so many cool ideas, just a lot of frustrations that come with them.

Reviewed on Jul 08, 2023
