i remember having great fun playing this as a kid, would love to play again sometime to see how much is just childhood nostalgia goggles tho. loved the characters and still have some of the phrases forever living in my head (can't read thunder egg without an australian accent)

a really fun game to play co-op!! the mechanics can cause such chaotic moments, it's a great multiplayer

Really fun story-driven game, there's some things that feel unresolved/unexplained at the end which I'm not sure if I need to go back and play again to find them out, but I'm sure I'll return to it. Gorgeous art and soundtrack too!

Salmon run is my fav mode on this game, but it is such a frustratingly long grind to upgrade gear to how you want it. However I will say this game opened my eyes to how fun shooter games can be!

great to play for a little at a time, as you do with pinball

As a kid I loved this game and the educational elements of it didn't feel like a drag/obvious. As an adult I picked up the newer version with revamped graphics in which the art is so charming and it's genuinely good fun if u want an easy-going puzzle game to dip in and out of. Some of the levels can give a bit of challenge still on the highest levels too - i like the fleens and mirror machine levels best!

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as awkward as the dialog is at times and the bizarre choice in half-attempted lip syncing, i've played this game 3 times through and got swept up in the story each time. the lighting in this game is gorgeous and i love the time-travel mechanic. sometimes I wish there was an explanation to How or Why Max got this power but then again it kinda adds to the magic of it being left unsaid. Struggle to forgive them for the bury the gays trope tho

one of the few platformers i've felt enthusiastic about trying to 100%, i could never quite do one of the time trials tho :(

only a short game but it was great fun, laughed throughout it !

wish it had a battle frontier

great fun but just not really my genre so didn't keep playing

an absolute fav for dipping in and out of gameplay with, really get into a flow state whenever i'm playing and just perfectly hits the spot of giving me enough to do with enough freedom to set my own objectives so that i can zone out from the world

a sentimental favourite for me :) i know the controls frustrate people but the characters and world of this game made it so special for me

i have 900+ hours on this from playing it as a kid, it's sacred to me