3 reviews liked by elliedina

Literally my favorite LiS game created. Getting to learn more about Rachel before she disappeared and seeing Chloe grow was so cool. It was super fun to see those two’s adventures together!

2 Life 2 Strange

This was remarkable step up from the original/main Life is Strange. I found Chloe to be a better main character by leaps and bounds than Max, as she felt authentic and believable, someone who acted with legitimate motive and reason behind their actions. Her relationship with Rachel in the first game is obfuscated and feels a bit random, but in Before the Storm is expounded upon to feel like legitimate love and care. I really enjoyed the way Chloe cares for Rachel in trying to connect her with the truth she's seeking out. Sincerity is the driving force behind Chloe here, something I didn't feel in the main game.

I found the emotional moments more impactful, the use of music overall an improvement, and the side characters to be more endearing than they were in the "base" game. I actually liked the run-ins with Frank, talking to the other Blackwell students, and telling David off. Not having an annoying mechanic like the time loop to go through in your interactions with these people made the experience 10x enjoyable.

I strongly recommend playing Life is Strange: Before the Storm if you're a fan of the first game or the series in general.

Gamers hate these games for being "unrealistic" because they've never actually spoken to women.