So let me preface this as I'm sure a lot of people would love to kill me for this but, but I did actually enjoy my 10ish hours with Extra quite a lot. Now why would I abandon it and also give it such a rating? Well it's because one, the remake looks pretty amazing and I'm sure it won't take all too long to release since Type Moon has been pretty active lately and second which comes from point one, the presentation and execution of the game. Now I really liked everything conceptually. The unique spin on the grail war, the setting and reframed and newly added cast members were all great... in concept. It just isn't really able to present those things in an appealing way whatsoever. The lack of voice acting doesn't bother me all too much though hearing one single voice line every now and then really makes me wish it was fully voiced. The absolute dogwater dialogue of the mc doesn't help this. It tries to go the Persona route but also give the mc somewhat of a personality which fails miserably. I've chosen Archer as my starting servant and he's actually really well implemented and the constant references he makes are quite nice too. My highlight were definitely the antagonists though. They're great, insanely unique and well implemented characters that not only work as antagonists but also as reference points as to where the mc is currently mentally (which is all over the place 95% of the time). I think the second amtagonist especially and his servant worked so well as a duo. But here again, I think they could have vastly improved upon this unique concept by giving the characters more screen time. And I think the thing that actually made me abandon the game is the horrendously bad gameplay loop. Like I hate grinding lifeless levels just to face a boss and then do that stuff all over again. It's incredibly boring and it's not even trying to hide this by implementing any unique elements at all. So yeah, I'll play the remake as I do have quite high hopes for that and again, this game is by no means a bad game. It just doesn't accomplish what it sets out to do at all. Though if you're interested in the Extra verse this could still be something you have less problems with than I had so just go for it if you wanna give it a go since the concepts are some of the most complex and unique ones seen in the already absurd world of Fate

Reviewed on Jul 19, 2023

1 Comment

10 months ago

I don't think the remake will ever come out mate