Brilliant for nostalgia, gameplay, multiplayer, soundtrack, etc etc etc. Highly recommend to any sonic or platformer fan.

Really annoying to play without a gamepad and the framerate/graphics is/are not great. A fun little game with nice dialogue and concept though.

I love the changes in art design and stuff as well as the Pokemon, but I don’t think the story and characters are as good as black+white.

Fun and cute with interesting ideas (like how you turn into steam and such) but way too frustrating, it takes the annoying parts of platformers and puts them into overdrive.

I would die for Yarny. This is the sweetest little platformer.

Nice concept, interesting story - but there’s way too little to it. There’s hardly anything to go on or talk about, a good way of explaining depression but the horror elements felt forced in.

Enjoyable, quirky, really funny. Unfortunately the puzzles are way too difficult and unfair to fully enjoy that - and I say this as someone who adores difficult puzzles.

Sweet game, straightforward and simple, n out enough substance though.

I enjoyed this more than the first one, it felt much more satisfying but I feel like the original game was a twist on the genre where as this one doesn’t quite feel like that.

I played this after enjoying watching Harshly Critical the letsplayer do a video on it. I like how it twisted the genre, and the AIM simulator was pretty great. Overall not really enough to it for me to hold it in too much praise.

I went into this game expecting a horror and got something extremely different. It’s a simple sweet game, that’s incredibly heartfelt, meaningful and approaches life and death in a loving way.

An amazingly dark emotional game that really gets into the heart of being a citizen in a totalitarian society. Beautifully simple art style too.

Played it on the PC and really enjoyed it, it is a fun little puzzle game with great imagination and artwork. It’s very reminiscent of Coraline. However I got it for Switch and I had to stop because the gameplay just does not adapt well to console at all.

My second favourite Elder Scrolls game. I think the attention to detail is much better and more inventive than Oblivion and Skyrim, but it’s not as easy to play.

Great game, just wish it wasn’t so ambitious and huge my computer didn’t spontaneously combust every time I tried to load it.