This game is way better than the console version of Colors, the level design is really fun and does not suffer the downsides of a lot of the other Dimps Sonic games suffer from as well as not having the awful filler levels the console version has, though there are extra missions that feel similar to them but the best part about them is that they're optional! The wisps feel very well executed here unlike the console version where they can feel like a slog, here they're always trying to keep the speed going and it's great. The music features some really nice renditions of the console music and I have to say they're really nice to listen to. The boss fights in this game follow 3 of the same basic patterns, normally you could consider this lazy but I think the bosses in this game are executed incredibly well because they're never huge pace-breakers. Having the Chaos Emeralds actually have some relevance to the plot in the story this time which is great, it's a shame Super Sonic isn't available in normal play. The extended cast being present is also a very good way of fleshing out the amusement park due to it feeling very barren in the console version. For a game that'll take you around 2 hours if you're only going for all the Chaos Emeralds, this game rocks!

Reviewed on Jun 26, 2022

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2 years ago