So I’ve literally just got the platinum trophy for this game not only 5 minutes ago, so this game is very fresh in my head. I’ve got such a soft spot for the first ‘LEGO Harry Potter’ game and I think it’s genuinely a good game. I can’t say the same for this one I’m afraid. I just didn’t enjoy it, like at all. A lot of the levels were incredibly boring and the gameplay has managed to get worse with the spells not even going in the right direction half the time. I somehow managed to much prefer the cleanup stage to get the platinum than I did playing the actual game which is crazy. The game looks loads better though, which is always a pro in itself; but I just don’t think this is that good of a game. Sorry.

6/10 - weak and boring levels and poor gameplay for a LEGO game.

Reviewed on Oct 18, 2023
