honestly, the problem i had with this game was just that it wasn't punishing enough for the most part. i mostly focused on leveling health over energy (energy kind of isnt that useful most of the time), combine that with trying to collect everything and overall i didn't have many issues beating this game, and the bosses, while being fairly cool, sort of just fell over. never took more than 2 tries for any boss in the game, which kind of sucks because the bosses are fairly short (aside from the final boss). most of the time, i would just be sort of annoyed when getting hit by something, and considering when you max out you have a ridiculous amount of total life, and access to tents fairly frequently, it really was not difficult after getting used to how it works.

that all being said, this is a really nice game with enough parts to it that it kept me captivated throughout. the world design and enemy design is pretty great honestly, and the bosses are really, really well put together. the story, while not really being too interesting in my opinion, is presented well enough. theres a good variety in terms of enemies, locations and mechanics that i never got bored playing.

definitely worth playing, but it's not above and beyond.

Reviewed on Jan 22, 2022
