I decided to play this childhood favorite in an innovative new way: not stopping in my tracks to grind for a soul every time I came across a new enemy! Was shocked to discover that you can beat the game in a little over four hours if you don't allow yourself to be abused by its oppressive soul drop rate. I truly hate how Iga rushed straight to the Pokemon house style of using compulsive collection to pad out playtime (twice!), but the game is not bad at all and I do admit that a lot of the souls have depth and dimension and are fun to play around with. That said, I still managed to get Lightning Doll au naturel, and unfortunately none of the quirk of the bottom-shelf Bullet Souls comes close to the sheer thrill of tearing every boss apart in seconds.

The thirst on here for OG demon twink Soma Cruz is hilarious... keep it up, girlies...

Reviewed on Jul 05, 2023
