Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

August 23, 2023

First played

August 13, 2023

Platforms Played


The greatest disappointment I have ever experienced in my life and the single most overrated piece of media and story to ever exist holy shit. This game was such a fucking slog to get through I don’t know how I even managed to its sorry end. I will forever be baffled as to how people could ever consider this game their favorite or a top piece of media in all of fiction. Everything about this god damn game is so painfully generic not a single thing stands out. The music was fine at first but became so repetitive and grating on the ears. Nothing special about the art or graphics just your average anime style game. Generic ass open world setting nothing worth noting about it. Generic characters and personalities not a single thing about the characters or stories resonated with me at all or invoked anything within me except pure boredom and disappointment. I don’t get the hype around nier at all or how the story is supposed to be peak fiction. I even watched all the other endings and still nothing stands out. Nier is just so painfully mid, I was hoping automata would be better than replicant but it somehow ended up being even fucking worse and pissing me off even more. At least replicant had kaine, automata has fucking nothing. Don’t even get me started on the shit ass gameplay and combat of this game and how much of a slog it was to get through, the amount of bosses and enemies that the game forced you to defeat purely by spamming projectiles is fucking RIDICULOUS. This was the most enraging part of the game for me and made me feel like I was back in dmc2 for fucks sake. There is absolutely no reason for a game this new to be forcing the player to spam projectiles to defeat enemies let alone bosses. Once again I am so angry that I wasted 10 hours of my precious time on this sorry ass fucking game. I’m never touching this piece of dogshit again and I never want to see it in my face ever.