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Above Average

Difficulty: (Jedi Master) Graphics are great. The details in the environment are awesome. Lots of big things happening in the background. Gorgeous landscapes and fantasy sci-fi art. This has some of the best diverse landscapes in gaming. Dialogue, acting, and cut scenes are all really good. This is like playing in a movie. The main character is very likable. You can’t skip cut scenes, you can’t manually save, no fast travel, and detailed complex maps. Not skipping cut scenes or dialogue forces a longer play and not manually saving forces more things to have to repeat on death. Auto saves are not frequent. These things are kind of annoying. All of this makes the game longer than it needs to be, but also may flesh out an atmosphere.

The game does a good job of making you feel powerful, yet very fallible. When played correctly with good timing you can kill enemies very quickly, but when played poorly they can take a long time to defeat and cause many deaths. The combat is pretty fun. Not too many different buttons or combos, just good timing of block, dodge, strike, force power. This makes the game feel more fluid. Overall I would say the game play is really good, it can get annoying when I die a bunch of times on the same fight. I find though that after I beat the fight I can do the fight easier every time even without a power upgrade. It really is a skill that you are learning that makes you more powerful.

I tried to beat the second Jedi boss about 30 times. I got frustrated and switched to one difficulty level down. The boss fight was still tough and a good level of difficulty. After the boss the difficulty was too easy so I switched back. (Jedi Master) difficulty is a little too tough, but one down is too easy. So im just staying on Jedi Master. I played the rest of the game on this setting and then the end boss was too hard so I dropped down. The end boss was significantly harder than the rest of the game. The combat is fair, but above my skill level. It feels bad to move the difficulty to get past certain areas. It could use some difficulty adjustments.

This game is so well done. The story is interesting. The setting art is some of the best I have seen in any game. The combat is tough and fun. It does get frustrating, but I really am enjoying it. Acting is fantastic. The lead is designed after and voiced by kid from Shameless. This game is so close to Excellent, but the difficulty not being consistent enough and the unskippable cut scenes hold it in the above average category.