i like to give shitpost games 5 stars but this game is just unbelievably bad that i don't even want to give it a star.

Greatest game ever made.

This review was written by the NotChineseSpyware.exe software that comes with installation of the game.

better than any fifa game i've ever played

how do you remake a dogshit sequel to an already dogshit sequel

overrated game, insanely boring and im not afraid to say it.


thought i was gonna get boobs and i just didn't get any.

changed from a 5 to a 1

wouldve been the best game of all time if it didn't become pay 2 play

greedy bastards. i do not recommend



bought the deluxe edition for the penis demon, never got the penis demon so now i'm just stuck with boring gameplay, boring story, boring mods, and still no penis demon

better than league. that's about it