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1 day

Last played

April 28, 2024

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This is a really, really strong proof of concept, but I was a little disappointed that some of its potential went unfulfilled. Home Safety Hotline has a great art direction and creeped me out quite a bit. It's possible that I just have a big weakness for admin/tech support games like Papers, Please and its ilk, but this game was a lot of fun.

Normally I'm the first to praise a horror game for brevity, but here I felt like it was missing just a little something to take what an interesting idea and send it to the moon. The setup is subverted a little bit here and there throughout, but it never really reaches the crescendo that truly great horror demands. The gameplay too needed an extra wrinkle or two, as at the end of the day, you really are just answering a series of questions with no time limit.

Home Safety Hotline is definitely a little underbaked, but I like so much of it that I find it hard to hold that against it. Instead, I'll say that those potential points of criticisim make me want a sequel that can iterate and improve upon the already great stuff that's here and flesh it out into a truly brilliant experience. For now though, Home Safety Hotline is a surprisingly spooky way to spend an evening.