The game is best at the start when you have so much freedom and the difficulty is manageable. But once you use up your paths during late game to the point where the only place you can really go is to fight this single boss with 30 patterns that forces you to continuously die to it for several days in order to learn them it gets quite stale.

Unless this game's combat is your favourite you might rather play something else less painful.

Reviewed on Mar 25, 2024


2 months ago

>Doesn't even try to learn a bosses' attack patterns or openings
>Calls the fight bullshit

1 month ago

I definitely tried but the last few bosses like Malenia are a bit too annoying for my liking compared to the ones in Sekiro and DS3

1 month ago

@eugene719 I get it actually, I definitely struggled with a lot of late game bosses and especially Malenia, took me hours to beat her. I think it's okay because it's an optional boss but I genuinely feel the difficulty ramps up way too much late game.