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Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

June 16, 2024

First played

June 14, 2024

Platforms Played


Other than half the story of this game making so little sense and characters making such stupid decisions that it's funny, there is honestly nothing good about this game.
All the characters including the returning ones are so uncharacteristically fucking stupid that make some of the dumbest decisions ever. It's baffling trying to think of the thought process they get through in this game, there were several points where I was just laughing for several minutes straight because I was in awe of how stupid everything that was going on was.

Don't let that fool you though, this game is mostly cutscenes and is all really boring. You wouldn't think that a visual novel series going to cutscenes would be a bad thing though right? But it kinda is. Kinda just kills the feel of getting immersed in the moment and trying to piece together bit by bit of what is going on, not to mention how little interactivity there is and how fucking awful the cutscenes in this game are anyways. Both on a writing standpoint and the fact this game looks worse than a 2010 Garrys Mod Machinima. Also doesn't help that when you are out of cutscenes, the puzzles in this game are either just whatever, or annoying to do. Felt no shame in using a guide for this game cuz sometimes they just didn't make sense or got me doing some really stupid shit to get the answer.

I predicted the plot twist at the very beginning of the game when I saw how the layout of every campaign was and let alone I was right on the money, sadly didn't guess who the main villain was though because that became an even fucking stupider twist that just, I don't even know what to say about man. Half the shit that they bring up either doesn't get explained or they half ass it. It's such a shame that this is the game that VLR's true ending built up to. This game really just boils down to a really shitty SAW movie written by a completely different set of people who didn't even really watch any of those movies. The snail explanation I know people joke about but that is literally just "if you shat your pants that day instead of pissing then that child wouldn't have had his head blown off with a shotgun". Literally the stupidest thing ever.

Best thing about this game is Carlos. He's my man. Let him be in a better game next time.