Immaculate disappointment.
This game feels like it should be more of a tech demo but it had an entire campaign slapped onto it. The combat is just terrible, it is exactly the same as K2 (go figure) with very minimal changes other than enemies block less. The new city is great but there is just absolutely nothing to do in it, and you can barely even go anywhere because for the sake of realism certain shops and places can only be accessed during different times of the day, which is a horrible idea.
The story has good beats and parts to it but it just isn't interesting at all, this game relies so much on exposition dumping the player that I very quickly lost interest and could only barely hold onto the excitement at the parts of this game that are genuinely really good.
Whenever people say Yakuza 3 is bad and echo the problems of it, I feel like they're talking about this game. It's such a shame too because the first few parts of this game are great and it has some really really good character moments, all of it just doesn't really matter at the end of the story, or falls flat.

Reviewed on Dec 11, 2023
