fallout 3 is a mixed bag, comparisons to new vegas usually lead to it being a bit of a punching bag, which isn't entirely unfair, but not entirely earned either.

fallout 3 has some extremely high quality environmental storytelling, background details and hidden little unmarked quests that are noteworthy and make it a fantastic game, as well as dynamic world changes, consequential choices, and some exciting and unique quest concepts, all inside an oppressive and well crafted atmosphere. love was put into this game. In some areas.

however, in other areas, namely combat and the main questline, the game seems to struggle. this is a problem when these are two core elements that players will engage with much more than side content. the main quest is frankly boring and consists mostly of fighting through bullet sponges for increasingly silly objectives, as more and more plot holes or logic errors creep in while the fight between the brotherhood and the enclave ramps up. if you want a straight shooter this is fine, but in an RPG, having essentially every main quest barring maybe tranquility lane be "fight through a dungeon" or the rare "do nothing if you have high enough speech" is weak to say the least. the combat is also unsatisfying, weapons are flimsy and do negligible damage on higher difficulties against tougher enemies, to the point where towards the endgame it feels as though every fight is bullet sponge (you) vs bullet sponge (a supermutant with a minigun). there are also very few weapons, and many of the existing weapons are unexciting re-skins of each other, which makes combat all the less interesting. because of this, i fully understand thinking fallout 3 is a weak entry.

still, overall, with its rich background storytelling, atmosphere and lore, there is a lot to love in this game, and it deserves it's spot as a classic of the genre, if admittedly, a somewhat frustrating game to play.

Reviewed on Aug 22, 2023
