that ending plot twist got me gasping for fucking air what the hell people

so we are at that point in the marathon where i will just skip whatever i want and play the games in whatever order i want and thats like what real freedom is all about

this is a “remake”/sequel of a link to the past but in reality its just a complete reimagination most of the main things are left untouched like the structure in a 3 + 7 dungeons the overworld is the same most of the items are the same too like theres actually a good 50% of the core game thats actually the same but the new stuff is absolutely fucking UGHHHHHHH I LOVE IT

main gimmick is basically the same this is a classic top down zelda of course so the main gameplay is the same as always you go around dungeons go through some shit puzzles and get some heart containers you go through this loop for like 10 times and than that's the fucking end

now as I said this is the same exact thing of a link to the past but they spiced shit up here and thats by adding the painting technique or whatever the fuck it's called basically you can smash yourself into a wall and go 2d into that and basically just traverse the entirety of the wall walking idk it's better to just play and see it because it's more clear when you do it than when you explain it and that actually make for some interesting mechanics here and there if you ask me

the overworld also got adapted to this new gimmick and you can see some different heart pieces here and there that you can get with this ability and shit like that

and the same happened with the items they were kind of remodeled to be used to this kind of new iteration of the game even though most of them still function the same but this time they're all available at the beginning of the game thanks to ravio's shop that can lend you some stuff and later you can also buy them . this is a new addition that I found really interesting and pretty fun since if you die in a dungeon the loan shark gets on your ass and takes them back so yeah thats some new strategy added to the game even tho this is a pretty easy game compared to the original one at least

the dungeon got revamped A LOT too I was definitely not expecting that if you ask me but I guess they also took advantage of the new 3d engine to make some bomb ass perspective play here and there and while sometimes I got really stuck due to me completely forgetting that the wall mechanic exists and shit like that but hall of fame of worst shit ever is of course the ice ruins because why the fuck would you make the floor slippery and the desert palace that FOR SOME REASON ??? like the boss is so hard for me and I don't really understand why I had to do it like 10 times maybe im dumb as fuck but the others were kind of a breeze to go through with some ups and downs i was not the cleverest guy in my class honestly so of course this was gonna happen

tho in general I feel like the pacing is kind of better because YOU KNOW where the fuck you have to go and also it's kind of easier/interesting to play it after alttp because you know the position of the dungeons but you're gonna get like uh ? because the dungeon are different and that's fun

clearly being a successor / whatever of alttp theres also the dark world and everything I already said applies to the dark world PLUS the way you get to the dark world is less messier than alttp and there's fast travels here and there so I don't have to go fucking crazy when going from one point to the other and as I was saying you go from one world to the other through cracks in different parts of the realm and its pretty convenient since there's a LOT of cracks and when you also add the fast travel this game is a breeze to go through

so yeah in general the gameplay is pretty much the same AND apart from the incredible artistic overhaul it's incredible to see how hyrule was completely untouched like they also realized how sick and tight the original one's design was perfect absolutely fucking perfect but in general the little chibified aesthetic of it all is super sick and I cannot believe how smooth the game plays it's honestly jawdropping

so yeah there's that yknow this is zelda this is all the same stuff again and again the game is great play it bla bla bla

so story stuff and this is HEAVY SPOILER please don't go ahead

so the story is basically the same but with some changes you don't go rescue zelda and the sages are characters who are turned into paintings by the evil lord whatever so you go into the dark world there's actually a princess of this world called hilda she explains the situation the fact that the triforce of their world is shattered yada yada whatever some hours later you get back and in reality she's the bad guy whatever because she wanted the triforce back and THEN ravio shows up and its actually DARK WORLD LINK ??????? OG MY GOD YOU DONT UNDERSTAND GUYS THE WAY MY JAW DROPPED I GASPED FOR AIR WHAT THE ACTUAL OWMGKWNFLWMLDLWLDLWPDLWLWLPWLW WHO THOUGH THIS WAS OK TO MAKE ME PISS MY PANTS and he talks too the fuck ????? and he's hot as hell ??????? I don't get it well whatever you get back to your world and zelda and link wish for the dark triforce to be back and we cry this game is so fucking insane

great game the blue lizards are still hot as fuck


Reviewed on Aug 29, 2023


3 months ago

fr I cried so bad on that ending, Hilda my beloved

3 months ago

@Lucca202 feel you queen we're in the sensitive club anyway hilda servED and servES cunt but I am legally obliged to say ravio my beloved