come here i will let you in on a secret that i will take to the grave: its not hip to shit on super castlevania iv youre stupid i love this game and so whoever thinks its not good is stupid

super castlevania should ideally act as a remake of the original one but id rather call it a reimagination and an overall experimentation from konamis part to just test some new directions for the franchise out and see what sticks

being a snes title its obvious that the graphics got so much more detailed than the nes trilogy coming before it thats to be expected the enemies are full of life and the animations are great the bosses are looking great and simons ass cheeks are as tight as ever the hardware brought a lot of elements of the original game to new life and the leap in the quality of the art direction is such an astounding achievement thats its pretty difficult to separate castlevania 4 to its incredible looks

what feels kind of weird is that this advancement in everything visual somehow left the music behind and strangest thing of all is that the entire ost is way way way less snappier than the nes titles most of the songs are passable at best sure theyre moody enough but they dip their toes more on the ambient side of things than on the usual melodramatic castlevania flare that we are used to which isnt per se an entire bad thing again this game oozes experimentation from every fucking pore but going around the castle with the same drones doing monotonous sounds gets pretty tiring since the game is also way longer compared to earlier titles

now the huge deal in why people shit and vomit on this game is the fact that the gameplay was fundamentally changed the whip can attack in mostly all 8 cardinal directions and when you hold the attack button you can go from erect to flaccid form and swing your soft member in the faces of your enemies to deal some degree of damage and if the level requires you can even swing with it like a liana the movement also feels tighter due mostly to the fact that stairs dont make me want to kms and the jump can be manouvered in-air all these and many other changes that i dont really remember because i was in a complete trance while playing it but the important thing is that people HATED this changes and while im not in the love the new mechanics to death its still pretty fun to see how a castlevania game can get much easier when you can move during a jump like that saved me from something like 70% of the deaths in this game not gonna lie and theres an argument to be made that while you may not like how the moveset philosophy was executed simon feels really good to use in this game instead of him being a boulder with legs

definitely not the best classicvania title some of the later ones are gonna eat this game up whole and i understand why people are coming for this game as vehemently as possible since we all know that nothing can beat rondo of blood but when this came out it was probably i damn good addition to an already well executed winning formula it lacks some of the better identity of iconic titles but not for this am i gonna say this game is to quit in the marathon when castlevania the adventure is literally there

so yeah theres that realistically theres not much to say about this game in itself and most of the people coming into this will have the sudden itch and urge to compare it to castlevania 1 specifically and while i understand that need just shut the fuck up for a second the adults are talking this game is good case closed

Reviewed on Oct 29, 2023
