so theres a part of me that still wanted to enjoy alan wake as a whole experience more than i actually did but this is definitely not it

for as much as i enjoyed the original game somehow i was definitely not well versed to the idea of MORE od what i already played lets be real this is a DLC for people who do really loved alan wake and wanted some more to the story of the base game

as an addendum this didnt do much for me the gameplay is untouched apart from adding some nice words mechanics here and there that are thematically entwined with the whole “its all a manuscript” but since the basic gameflow was already pretty weak i sure wasnt a big fan of doing it all over again for the sake of some more insight to the story

and if you somehow wonder if this is gonna add anything to the original story i kid you not you will have some momentary explanations but shits gonna get more convoluted than it really is because wow they sure love going over and over again on the same concepts until they start making no sense anymore

focus of the DLC is following a signal and going through levels that feel cut out segments that didnt make it to the original also am i the only one or this felt way more difficult i dont know guys

anywho after some tedious fights and flashbacks and shit like that you find the signal and nothing of note really happens . the end ?

guess the other DLC will expand on this but wow this is probably one of the weakest additional contents ive ever played in years somehow the best part was barry acting like a cunt which was definitely entertaining

doing all of this just to play AW2 can you believe that

Reviewed on Nov 21, 2023
