already profusely talked about the fact that i enjoy control just as much as dick in the ass and thats the best compliment i could give this piece of media and since this is just MORE control of course it was gonna be at least some degree of cool

and it was

the foundation takes you in the underground parts of the oldest house and while the scenery is way different than the offices you used to see for the entire game these red sand caves do have such a distinct and good atmosphere to them that i honestly didnt mind a change of pace it was definitely getting a little tiring to just go back and forth from the same 3 kinds of layouts so going deeper into my claustrophobic nightmare fueled grotto was p good

now im glad the story keeps the same attitude of the main game which means i didnt get absolutely fucking nothing and thats what i like about this game it could be about xenocomunism and i would have no fucking clue <3 that being said youre gonna follow the shadow of a character of the main game and theres that nothing too groundbreaking happens here apart from exploring a new place

you get some new powers which are p fun but just work in this setting and the focus on platforming got me anxious until i realised that this games movement is also perfect for some jumping around in the void something that alan wake 1 had no right whatsoever to dabble into

sooooooo ughhhhhhh i mean what do you want me to say its still control its still peak i enjoyed this one way more than the alan wake dlc because i hate alan wake im so sorry this is gonna come off as rude and i hope it does because im trying to be rude

redhead still fucks ass the fights are still cool the boss fight maybe a little less but its still so fucking fun to throw containers against people that i honestly dont mind cant believe im doing this kind of marathon just to play alan wake 2 and i fell in love so hard with this one to the point that i will praise a dlc/expansion like this wowzers i love being an esper and serving ass

Reviewed on Dec 18, 2023
