as a matter of fact i do think kirby's adventure is a great game in particular for NES standards which has a library of ... decent games at best so i have nothing but respect for a game like that

however i do think (unpopular opinion kirby fans you can catch me outside how about that) that this is the definitive edition to play that game and no im not tripping from acids or something like that im completely and extremely sober right now

this has everything i love about kirby like great abilities wonderful art direction fun level design solid movement and fast paced action (god bless the absence of collectible trinkets because it wouldve slowed down the game SO FUCKING MUCH and i do enjoy collectibles in the later installments but after marathoning all of them i feel like i dont want to be put in the same room with a collectible anymore proceeds to play super mario odyssey)

i understand that this remake denatured the "true kirby's adventure experience" but the world is vast and everybody has opinions and my humble opinion is that THIS GAME IS A FUCKING BLAST FUCK

i savored the damn remixed OSTs ughhh so good and the new sprite work is incredible + i get the criticism for the different backgrounds in this game but i honestly couldnt give a simple fuck i think theyre beautiful and a great contrast with the action in the foreground

this was a very not objective review if ive ever seen one but the main reason is because this game has meta knight and you can play as him if you 100% the game and a game with meta knight cannot be bad and thats the cue for the obligatory copypasta

Meta Knight I should be your boyfriend because I am better than King Dedede. I am funnier, I am more loyal, I am smarter, and I will treat you better. I will be on your side no matter what and you will always be right no matter what the argument is because I will always listen to you and I will do anything for you. I am smarter and I will help with you anything you need help with. I will always put you first. And I will love you no matter what <3, even when we are old. I will never let you go and I will go out of my way to make you happy.

did you see the fucking freeze abililty sprite . kribri is so cute...

Reviewed on Sep 22, 2022
