it strikes me that the highest point of this vn for me is in the very first minute during the whole space affair thing imagination whatever the exceptional soundtrack and the way the eraser mechanic is introduced to you in medias res is just incredible (not saying that the rest of the game is by any means less interesting but that was just a grand opening if ive ever seen one and the fucking OST ugh im listening to Planet X on repeat right now while doing this review its just that good)

it also strikes me how the audiovisual department went through the roof and beyond to deliver possibly my favourite symbiosis of auditory stimulations and visual cues in a game like i swear the SFX and music and art feel like theyre sentient and breathing and chaotic and and and

lets just get the personal weak point out of the way: not that huge of a fan of the eraser mechanic . its cool ! but i just wish they implemented it better in the whole narrative but still its an interesting idea and the fact that progressing the story the eraser gets smaller and smaller is such a cute touch

story wise the content revolves around a trans girl running away from home with some friends in an abandoned house actually idk if it was actually abandoned since it was private property of some sort (its important to the story so) and dealing with the whole being trans stuff

im not trans but im gay so to some extent i very much relate to what goes through kasios mind in the game and its also made quite explicit to you with some great dream/memory sequence between her and her mother and her dumb fucking brother or whoever the fuck that is fuck that man i hate him literally shut the fuck up

the way being trans is treated in this is so sweet and so destructive at the same time due to the fact that in some way youre happy that kasio is slowly finding herself but you also get to know the hardships of being trans and the psychological consequences that shitty and unsupportive people around you cause to your emotional well being

i like kasio shes great . the other characters unfortunately dont have much development apart from The Guy TM whose name i dont actually remember and even in that way it still seems like a side character which is fine this is all about kasios hardships and extremely atmospheric and artistically pleasing umh mind space umh ... travels ??? i dont actually know what those parts are but im in love

its a bittersweet story that resonated with me good enough but if youre trans or especially transfem (i have no idea if this term is somehow not correct if so please lemme know) this will definitely have a way stronger impact on you so if youre the target audience i just mentioned and you play this game and you cry like a bitch like i did . you can thank me later <3

and by the way the most surprising thing that this game showed me is that irish is another fucking language entirely damnnnnn me (an ignorant italian) thought it was just an accent/dialect deal but thats like a totally different language what the fuck they had to put footnotes in almost every scene because thats actually just gibberish to english speaking people

you never stop to learn new things i guess

still thinking about the ost damn shits phenomenal

is this that "fata morgana" yall be talking about

Reviewed on Oct 05, 2022
