this DLC is fucking phenomenal and i cant stop thinking about how good this is

in my head this is a Final Mix add-on and its divided into 3 sections so i will be exposing them accordingly

the remind stuff is basically a rehash of the final story beats of KH3 and what a great rehash that is it adds some insights into the story events and i LOVED THEM they added so much to the scenes and i wish they were in the base game but whatever and also the ability to play as specific characters in some parts and i can say confidently that playing as roxas was the best thing to ever happen in my life to be honest i love him so much my sweet little baby and yeah you can play as other peeps even tho theyre kinda weak compared to sora but its fine ok its fine i love them i birthed all of them

tho this also means you have to go through the same bosses you fought in the base game but for me it wasnt that much of a pain because i loved those battles maybe playing this right after finishing kh3 isnt the best choice but i am me

also clearly i cried again for the roxas axel xion reunion lmaooo

after the boss rush you get to a segment that i loved which is exploring scala ad caelum which is something that i wanted to do in kh3 but couldnt because of how it played out so having this amazing landscape to run through is absolutely breathtaking

also theres a part where you fight with every single keyblade wielder as one youll get what i mean if you play it and a super badass moment from king mickey himself ? damn everybody got a spotlight in this

and then final boss with kairi FINALLY i can see (and play as) kairi fucking beat some asses i needed that in my life so bad

boom FINALE explaining more stuff that happened

great stuff

final cut is basically kh2 data battles and theyre fucking majestic but also incredibly hard so downside is you got to play the base game get to like level 99 get ultima get good gear and then you go do these fights without tearing your hair out

theyre kind of a greater and harder and more showy version of the final fights in the game and i wouldnt want them in any other way and possibly my fav one is the fight against xion that one is absolutely stunning and also v difficult and vector to the heavens is some of the best song ever in kh3 so yeah thats great

cool stuff

then theres a secret episode where you fight against sexy yozora and that ones a REAL HARD ONE hes fucking insane but also the best combat in the entirety of kingdom hearts so thats a +
you get some kind of mysterious ending that fan theorists will have a blast thinking about and hearing sora (+yozora) say ive been having this weird thoughts lately like is any of this for real or not kind of made me mentally backtrack the whole series and wow its just a mindblowing cliffhanger and yeah

GOAT addition

i think im finally done with kingdom hearts and probably i shouldve left these considerations in the kh3 review but i dont think there will ever be something that feels quite like kingdom hearts i have no idea what is it about this series that bewitched the entire world and me too but its just idk it feels like a series so personal and with a lot of love put into it that even with all the high highs and low lows i just cant help but enjoy it abundantly be it the characters or story or music this series is something that everyone should experience and im happy to have finally completed this fucking marathon and i beg everyone to at least get to kh2 to decide what to do next but i assure you that at that point you will already be hooked

i will miss it for a while and will be waiting for kingdom hearts 4 or whatever comes out before of that

peace nomura goated

damn first thing on re mind is gon just be luxord way to make me horny again after a good cry

i know that the master of masters is hot as fuck please take your coat off


exploring scala ad caelum is something else I swear

ven complimenting roxas just made my day tbh

that mickey sequence tho was cool af

ok sora you hugged kairi in outer space but you still got a bf waiting

THEYRE MAKING ME PLAY AS KAIRI LETS GOOOO that flower keyblade is sending me

I just noticed how cute kairi looks with short hair

also noticed how ugly axel looks with his new clothes and how cute xion looks with hers I was too busy crying last time

oh no leons really hot

OH NO CIDS HOT how are his shoulders so big umh sorry this is not the place to thirst

Reviewed on Feb 08, 2023


What I would give to go back in time and witness KHIII Re:Mind again!!!! As a day one, die hard, darkness enjoyer Kingdom Hearts fan this was like pure hype to see everyone fight as one and then play as Kairi. God I should go back and play the entire series again for the umpteenth f*cking time

1 year ago
