i saw this cover and i felt like i was tripping because with an inattentive eye this looked like dummy by portishead cover art so yeah i wanted to try this out

not that much to see here it can be completed in 5 mins and it was kind of a let down i expected more by the initial concept and the game itself just felt kind of cheap and didnt scare me that much but notably im not that easy to scare when its about horror stuff maybe its because i watched every single horror movie in my adolescence but yeah

again not much here to discuss + the scariest shit here is that theres actually people with this kind of over religious and fatalist mindset and thats actually terrifying to me as an atheist

i mean i guess i liked it for what this is

also that title is a fucking trip

an excerpt from the wikipedia page: "Water Womb World is typically regarded as an "unnerving" experience."

by whom ?

Reviewed on Feb 10, 2023
