can i say i was not expecting this game to be such a blast i was absolutely dumb founded at how great of an experience this was i was p sold on the fact that this was gonna be a mid videojuego with a spooky setting some cheap jumpscares and scifi atmosphere as a BG but i was so wrong

dead space was a surprise in a lot of ways and weird how good this came out to be in how neatly it tied the horror and action elements in a way that i didnt find in any other game since resident evil 4 and i adore it

i mean the horror part was kind of a let down i was expecting to be actually scared but idk if im the problem because i became numb to horror stuff or because the game is actually not that scary but its great anyway

surely tho it nails the body horror compartment and damn i want to puke

overall setting surrounds around a space ship called ishimura and i actually realised at the end of the game that the shop got the kanji for ishimura and i am supposed to be studying japanese ok whatever so this ship is basically floating dead in space and when you get there certainly nothing bad will happen . no actually everything bad happens theres some monsters with elongated limbs roaming through ishimuras many districts and scientology wrecking havoc and your protagonist is mute for some reasons unbeknownst to me + your companions are either stupid or talk to you through holograms or if youre lucky through a window i can count on my fingers the face to face interactions isaac has with people in this game and its like what 3 maybe ? weird if you ask me

so umh if you ask me something about the story i have no idea what the details are but in a few lines you get trapped into the ishimura a mad scientists or something is working on reviving the dead or shit like that creating the long armed beasts umh the end ? also isaac is mentally ill or something and the psychological aspect was something that i enjoyed even if it was just put there as a cherry on the top

but nobody cares about the story when this game got this bomb atmosphere and its something so groundbreaking in my mind i swear the ishimuras sections are a blast to go through with heavy machinery stuff elevators huge ass fire arms disgusting monsters narrow corridors dark ambients no gravity big rooms it feels like the ishimura is actually a huge living whale making your life fucking worse and its great

the UI actually made me cry basically most of the menus in front of your face are actually holograms floating in the hair which means that if you rotate the camera you can be able to see behind it ? this actually has no purpose but its so fucking eyegasmic to witness and guys ………………… guys the health bar now . i am obsessed with diegetic UI and when i tell you that the health bar is actually the backbone of isaacs armor . i could actually cry like even the stasis meter is applied on his armor i almost came i will be real with you i was edging

so the action department is also great and i cant believe they actually succeeded in all this stuff how did they do that . being that the monsters you will be facing (most of them we dont talk about the tanks or the little fucking blobs) actually die from being mutilated your primary weapon and one that will be essential till the end of the game shoots in a line making you able to cut these fuckers like theyre cheese and making them collapse on the ground and giving you delicious loot that you will also be able to get throughout the ship (theres A LOT of loot here) + you can actually buy some other weapons arguably enough i only bought the first 3 which are a gun a machine that shoots a super wide line to cut those legs and a flame thrower which is useful against those fucking blobs so TAKE IT i didnt experiment with the other weapons and i didnt need to because the first weapon is actually the most op in the game if you upgrade it to the cap

ALSO you can upgrade weapons and the armor its actually fucking cool a great progression and a lot of variety love this fucking game i want to kill these monsters irl too

monsters that are kind of varied too even tho i actually just prefer the ones with the main mechanic of the game in mind because the other ones can be just frustrating and all

top to bottom the sound design is actually disgusting . i love it every time i feel metal banging or necromorphs vomiting and gurgling i feel right at home . make of that consideration whatever you will its just sensory overstimulation theres a lot of nasty sounds that go from the heavily technological ishimuras machinery that seem to scream in agony that fucking machine in like chapter 4 (oh also forgot to say its divided into chapters with each their own part of the ishimura to explore) where you are just passing through and you get blasted with screechings from hell ? i love it and then you get more biological sounds lets just say that with monsters just fucking screaming in pain puking around dead infected meat on the ground that once in a while implodes and farts its absolutely a fuckfest of gut wrenching sounds and im absolutely obsessed with this i have no idea if this game has any OST whatsoever because theres either silence or silence + chanting from some woman (OH MY GOD I JUST REALISED THE MUMBLING YOU HEAR IS THE DELUSIONS ISAAC GETS OF NICOLE WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUCK SHIT I DID 2+2 IM SO CLEVER) or these weird sounds or just noises over noises over noises

also something weird that i noticed is that the most horror element in this game is the fact that yes the monsters creeps behind you and get in vents and just come up in your face out of nowhere but basically whenever you get a bad guy in sight theres like a “spooky sound omg” which actually startled me the first few times but as soon as i started to get acquainted to the game and when to expect a monster behind the corner it kind of got old real soon

they still manage to lubricate me and fuck me in the ass anyway and gangbang meumh

oh and yeah i really love the designs of these ugly asses theres so much body horror that its actually comforting my body dysmorphia like seeing these disgusting beings makes me go “actually ? im not that bad” but i guess they could be great onaholes with those huge holes in their intestines

all in all this is kind of a fetch quest game you just get an item and use it to advance the end and in the meantime you fucking cave the skulls of these bitches in

and the final boss is fucking great can i just say i love that design shit its great i got a thing for lovecraftian kind of monster designs like huge beasts of tough meat

and also 5 tonsils i guess

so yeah whatever for a game straight out of 2008 this is fucking insane and i cant wait to play the remake yall

this what zero pussy does to a mf = mutism

Reviewed on Feb 10, 2023
