chris redfield goes on a hunt for kid baker in the mine that you already visited in the main game with every weapon known to men in a weird metroidvania fashion and youre supposed to have fun

and i kinda had fun i mean its not the greatest addition known to men and being overequipped with guns and bombs IS fun you get to absolutely obliterate the enemies you struggled with with ethan BUT i do believe it gets kinda samey in the long run and thats not helped either by the fact that the mine all looks the same or by the fact that chris isnt looking the hottest in this game he has this weird football coach kinda design that i dont wholeheartedly care for when it comes to playing games with one hand and looking at hot guys and enjoying self time with the other but maybe thats just me AND resident evil village is clearly an apology capcom made entirely for me by making chris absolutely fucking hot so yeah i can excuse some ugly time in this one

umh lucas fuck you you suck youre the most interesting character in the main game probably and therefore you suck i didnt want to know this much about you and now i feel like i cannot go back anymore

Reviewed on Jun 05, 2023
