Shockingly the game everyone knows is good is good!

The well known cinematic obsession of Kojima shine through here in a way I don't expect later games to with camera control and stronger visual delineation between gameplay and cutscenes. Every setpiece, every carefully constructed angle, creates such an awesome holistic experience of moving through this story, although the camera does often prioritise a good shot over an easily playable shot lol.

The other standout is definitely the character banter. I adore a good ensemble, and this crowd of repressed freaks with absolutely no subtlety to their themes is just a delight to hear from start to finish. The performances are so animated!

My biggest issue with the game is that its third act gets quite cheap and feels pretty bloated. Multiple random ambush encounters with normal, unnamed enemies in close spaces, rooms full of security camera turrets placed in deliberately cheap places, hilariously deflationary backtracking and a whole lot of getting to the point.

Reviewed on Oct 31, 2023
