Ah close, a little late for AC6's release (hell no, I'm not playing AC5 and AC:VD).

In short, much, much superior to AC4, but could've been a lot better. It's alright, overall. Don't really want to talk much about it since AC6 is already out, so here are some random notes:

-Why is Type-B not the default control scheme? It's easily the best choice.
-Still artistically boring, but not as bland as 4.
-Not really appreciating the "someone took a piss on my screen" filter much.
-Menu is so much better than the convoluted mess 4's was.
-Yay, the arena is back and it's actually fun.
-Mission design is an improvement over 4, but still I'm not a fan of "ignore everything and go for the main target" silent hill-style missions.
-Aiming is so annoying. Why are my missiles targeting the enemy's if I'm literally in front of him?
-Arms Forts (colossal weapons) fights are awesome, even if they're on the easier side. Spirit of Mother Will fight might be one of my favorites in the franchise.
-Hm, so it's possible for Fromsoft to do the "bigger=better" shtick correctly (looking at you, Elden Ring).
-For a game with so much movement, the vertical box is very limited in certain maps.
-White Glint fight was so awesome that future fights felt underwhelming. Maybe it should've been the final boss.
-Hands down best soundtrack in the franchise, not even close.
-Ending 2 is somewhat interesting philosophically.
-Some changes up in the missions and story in Route 2, but it's not enough to justify playing it a 3rd time.
-Also, I've already seen Ending 3, and it feels edgy for the sake of being edgy. Not interested. I guess it's a cool bonus, though.

Probably won't play the other ACs, maybe Project Phantasma, which I wrongly skipped, after 6. A cool franchise to play overall, but hindered by the lack of narrative and Fromsoft's inability to adapt to modern gameplay improvements. If they manage to bring an interesting story with 6, I'll be pleased.

★★½ – Average ✅

Reviewed on Aug 25, 2023


9 months ago

Al final tenía razón, fue situación Gundam

9 months ago

@Blowing_Wind Tristemente 🫠

9 months ago

@fancyynancyy 🪦 :(