The one Silent Hill that gets shrugged off as dated and uninteresting, which I couldn't disagree more.

The weakest of the main 4 games plotwise (even still, features a more than decent story compared to modern horror games like Amnesia: Rebirth or Alan Wake), but who established most of what makes Silent Hill the best horror franchise in gaming: The dream-like nature, woven with the echoes of Alessa's psyche reverberating through the world; the esoteric symbolism around emotions and trauma; and the relentless suffocating atmosphere of the Otherworld, and its alien nature. All these elements, combined with the game's remarkable art design, graphics and an unforgettable soundtrack (that somehow only improves with each subsequent installment), solidify Silent Hill as a timeless classic.

On a more specific note, I love the piano and zodiac puzzle so much. I remember as a little kid playing this game at a friend's house and never figuring out the solution to the first, even though we tried like the whole day. Well, this time around I spent like 20 minutes alone trying to make sense of the second, and when I figured the solution it only made me feel dumber for not realizing how simple it was, goddammit. As a positive, now I know a little bit about astrology... lol.

★★★½ – Great ✅

KOBE! (That's a dog head)

Reviewed on Sep 19, 2023


7 months ago

Como me costó el puzzle del zodíaco jajajssj. Ahora mismo estoy jugando Siren, del mismo director que el SH1

7 months ago

@Blowing_Wind Es que te la rebuscas demasiado pensando que los signos tienen algo que ver, qué buen red herring lpm 🤣

Ah mira, de alguna forma nunca me entere de que eran del mismo director.