Presents in an interesting amorphous way a reflection of what could be a sad, purposely exaggerated and metaphorical, distant reality for at least some of us. Thanks to its world design, and somewhat derivative in places yet still authentic atmosphere, you can't but get engrossed in the game's difficult-to-understand mythos. I haven't watched Eraserhead yet, but from what I've seen if you appreciate that film you'll probably value 0_abyssalSomewhere the same.

The only negative for me apart from the obvious clunkiness given the nature of it, is the ending sequence after the last encounter that I thought was unnecessarily expository of the game's themes. Also the promo for the sequel that came after felt a little out of place. Apart from that I have nothing but praise for this. Give it a try if you don't mind the weird. Don't expect much combat though, this is a walking-sim at its core.

Looking forward to whatever this dev releases for sure.

Reviewed on May 24, 2024


28 days ago

Haven’t heard of this before. It sounds super interesting!

28 days ago

@Yobyoni found it randomly browsing through itchio... Neat thing to find.