i think i still prefer v4 but god v5 was so good. like always introduces some of my absolute favorite characters in the series and it does a really good job of being a finale for the initial storyline started by version 1. the final boss just using the generic boss fight track was a little underwhelming, but a certain song from one of my favorite dq games kicks in afterwards and it gets me so hyped regardless. dragon quest 10 is absolutely my favorite dragon quest game with all of the versions taken into consideration and i'm beyond grateful that there finally exists tools to play it in english, and i think anyone who enjoys the series should check it out.

between this version being the ending of the initial story and being the last version where we can confirm it was toriyama himself who did the art/designs i'm a little less excited for what comes next, but there's definitely plotlines that i enjoyed from previous versions that aren't completely resolved so i'm sure it'll be a good time regardless.

Reviewed on Dec 08, 2023


5 months ago

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