a good chunk of this dlc campaign for me was the xenoblade version of that short scene in dragon ball super where goku is reenacting his fight with grandpa gohan, and as a whole it is most easily described as the devil may cry 5 of xenoblade. whether that is a good thing or not is up to you, but i fucking loved it.

future redeemed is cheesy shonen bullshit fanservice in the absolute best way possible, at least for my tastes. it does a great job at wrapping up the trilogy established by xenoblade and i hardly have any issues with it. the fanservice is definitely laid on thick to a point i feel others might find grating, but the strengths of 3 carry over here and it's overall very enjoyable to me.

i think my favorite aspect of it, like with 3, is the character writing. matthew is a contender for my favorite main character in the franchise. everything about him appeals to me so laser pointedly, can't help but smile whenever he's on screen. A isn't exactly my thing on her own but they're pretty and i think their dynamic with matthew works really well. nikol and glimmer are also pretty good, although a bit shafted in the middle portions of the campaign but i think regardless they come together to form a cohesive group that i enjoy seeing.

finishing off that cohesive group are the protagonists of the first two games, shulk and rex. shulk is one of my favorite video game characters and the way he's portrayed here makes me super happy. applying 3's great character writing to a really good understanding of an older more mature shulk is done so fucking well. i think shulk's outing here has me more excited for whatever takahashi has cooking next than anything else. more impressively though, it made downright hype when rex of all characters showed up, who i couldn't stand to see in his own game. he's also a standout character throughout the dlc, which is half me just finding corny characters irritating when theyre also young and half rex being a lot better of a character without his wives around.

a bit of an issue i had with 3 that others seemed to have way more of an issue with is the environments, and i actually really like the environments that show up in future redeemed. like most of the dlc it's very fanservicey, but it works well and i like it quite a bit more than what we see in 3's world. there's some really interesting set pieces used later on too, which are genuinely kinda crazy to see in xenoblade of all games.

the finale in general i think is very strong and it feels like more of a finale for xenoblade than the final boss of 3 which was probably the point. despite taking place before the end of 3 everything about the way the dlc ends feels so much more final and satisfying. 3's ending (in isolation) is really great i think, but it just doesn't work the best as an ending to the trilogy for me the more i dwell on it.

xenoblade chronicles 3 future redeemed is a spectacular ending to one of the all time greats of jrpgs. even if you aren't a fan of 1, 2, or even 3 the game does a really good job to make the content tied to them endearing. i specifically am a massive hater of xenoblade 2 and even the fan service for that game made me smile like a bit of an idiot. the story is cheesy and honestly a little dumb but it's carried so hard by how endearing and genuine it all is. the dlc feels like a real love letter to all that came before it in a way that few series are confident enough to do, let alone do as well as is done here, and i'm really excited to see what takahashi does next.

Reviewed on May 18, 2023
