my disappointment is immeasurable and my life is ruined

Started off incredible, but the repeatative villager dialogue kills it. There's still a lot of fun to he had in crafting and decorating, but it almost doesn't feel worth it if I can't interact with the villagers organically. They've become props to my island, more than they are its residents.

I played this on launch day, so I experienced the worst of it right off of the bat - janky graphics, awful lag, unloading and reloading's definitely stabilized with time, and even in its current state, this is the most fun I think I've organically had with a Pokemon game since I was a child. Lots to improve on here, but the childlike joy it inspired in me alone is worth a five out of five.

Pretty much like every game of its kind (Bookworm, connect-letter-tiles-to-make-words), albeit with a story mode attatched. I appreciate the effort to make it stand out from other games of its kind, and points for creativity in its weird little plot. Ultimately, if you enjoy word games, you'll like this. If not, then avoid.

Possibly one of the laziest implementations of a story mode I've had the displeasure of seeing. It introduces nothing that can't be found in the original.

me and my girlfriend when we started the game: oh, it's called "it takes two" because it's a co-op puzzle game. that's clever

me and my girlfriend at the end of the game, tearing up: oh my really DID take two.............

Nothing worth saying about this game but for the fact that it's completely tedious. I actually enjoyed the sticker mechanic at first, but it didn't expand enough for me to stay invested.