it's been a month and a half after finishing this and i never wrote anything down here, mostly because i've been idly ruminating over this for the last 6 weeks
i joked with my boyfriend about writing an Echo Essay because this game really affected me, it hit very close to home and was, all at once, a stressful, anxiety-inducing, cathartic and overwhelmingly relieving piece of media that is going to stay with me for the foreseeable future, if not the rest of my life.
Look, if a fucking furry visual novel can make you rethink aspects of your life and your aspirations, you're gonna be thinking about it forever lol

The Echo Essay might come around on a replay of this, but for now I'm good with just saying this: this shit is good.

Reviewed on Apr 01, 2023

1 Comment

1 year ago

I encourage the essay-ing if it isn't forced. Playing this game is one thing, having to articulate what it did to you is another.