This might be one of the midest games I have ever played in MY life. Almost feels like a children's game. Gameplay is uninspired, characters are chibi versions of the MOBA game Smite so it's kinda unoriginal. And jesus, the mechanics are so easy to abuse and exploit it's kinda funny, but it isn't, it's sad. Game is extremely easy to learn, movement is basic and as I said it's uninspired. Since i've started playing I haven't lost a single game. The battlepass is infinite and it has a shop that is duller than a broken sword from DS1. C'mon HiRez quit giving birth to dead children and collabing with influencers that don't care about your games.

The game is ok, I only bought it because it was on discount and wanted to try a game with my best friend, then I remembered this game... We might give it a chance in the future but for now it's a meh game. Camera movement feels way too smooth so much it's uncomfortable. Card system is a tad heavy to learn first time into it. It seems like the game has a lot of content but it feels like it's more quantity over quality.

One of the must dull and boring games I've ever played in my life. Tutorial is so long I grew the desire to go touch some grass. Game is such a copy of Genshin Impact it didn't even bother changing the font of the letters... Pure plagiarism in every aspect, everywhere. I personally don't like Genshin but this is absurd. It's even more absurd that sony let this game be on their platform. In the PS5 it performs well, but don't bother on the PS4, it's too laggy and has a lot of frame drops. Feels like a goofy and unfinished game, tutorial doesn't help, again.

Bloodborne is a masterpiece, many essays support this statement, and I can proudly say that this is my favorite game of all time. It is true that it is becoming the standard to say that this game is overrated, but this is wrong, the game is correctly rated. The fast paced combat, lore and really impressive mechanics are some of the things that make this game so great. And, Bloodborne probably has the greatest DLC of all time, in my opinion, of course. While I would write a whole essay about the game right now this just a quick review so people play it. If you love stories set in the lovecraftian horror genre, play this. If you love gothic ambiance, play this. If you loved Sekiro, play this! This game really has something for everyone which I love.