diet survival horror
Jokes aside I really wish this was closer to RE4 or Dead Space action horror combat design. It's a bit silly to wish for it to be something that it is not however the game is really not that challenging since you are flooded with supplies constantly. Having some kind of serious resource managment design would enhance the experience in my opinion. I understand the game was not designed this way was so I'll take what I have. Now, the combat itself is actually fun, the gameplay loop is decent. The weapons are good and have nice sound effects and the impact feels great, flashbangs are my personal favorites. The game is rather long so the combat starts to wear thin at about mid point already. Combat encounters don't have that much variety and there is few enemy types (screw the ravens).
The story was definitely interesting, it was exciting to follow and unravel the mystery, cheesy and melodramatic as it was. It has that trademark campy Remedy humor and a bit of self-awareness. Not a fan of the TV format since it feels rather meaningless in a videogame setting. It's not too intrusive, least you can skip recaps, but it's still very jarring. Also not really a fan of manuscript pages spoiling future events, though I get that narritively that's kinda the point.
I want to mention that I also completed the two epilogue DLCs and in my opinion it is the best AW1 content. Story and visuals are at their peak having genuine sense of unease and fear. Combat encounters are harder but are also more creative.

Reviewed on Nov 25, 2023
