i agree with the writer that it's a failure in terms of it's goals, but it's interesting in spite of that. the limited use of images, the lack of sprites, the limited voice acting, and spareness of writing are trying for something they can't quite reach, the ability to push the work of the story onto the imagination of the reader. there is too much given to truly make the reader do the amount of work the author wanted them to, so it ends up in a weird place where i'm interested in the experiment, and i like the ways it bucks traditional vn presentation even as i think it fails at it's goals.
good story, but nothing special. the way it handles terminal illness is interesting? i like that it makes setsummi's dispair about her future is rooted in the ways her future is taken away from her by her friends, family, and the hospital, not just a lack of hope as she watches death approach.

this is the worst game i’ve ever played. it functions, sure, but is not worth the time it took to find and play

my first xeno game and i had a blast. fun mechanics, story good, excited for more