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finsterhund completed Heart of Darkness
it "boggles my mind" 😒 that people go hog wild with low ratings and complaining about other people's rating(???) also seemingly try to act like this is some exceedingly difficult game that nobody has actually beaten? I first beat the game in under four hours of on and off casual play. At that point someone should consider if they just aren't the target audience for a certain genre as many criticisms can apply to the genre as a whole. As far as cinematic platformers go, Heart of Darkness is one of the least cryptic in its map and puzzle design and with the most general checkpoint system of its similarly retro contemporaries. It lacks the problematic save system of the first oddworld game and unlike its predecessor Another World is less finicky about things like platforms and drowning timer. A lot of conflicting claims of the controls being inherently laggy can also be attributed to poor emulation on multiple emulators which has been observed before.

< 1 min ago

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