The best of the standalone Jackbox games. Nothing brings players together more than the shared acknowledgement that everyone's drawings will be equally awful, which takes a lot of the pressure off of trying to be "funny" - leave that work for the custom wordsets and prompts.

Shelved it on my birthday because I had had enough of being both manager and managed by my island getaway. I was happy to get a cake.

Receiver 2 is The Witness for gun people, and I mean that in the most positive way possible.

As far as I can tell this is a game about killing alien dogs for hours on end. Might have to shelve this one.

I've always believed the Telltale format would be the most fitting for a Star Trek game and it's nice to see confirmation of that. It's the most "Star Trek" a Star Trek game has ever been, with equal parts charm and crustiness to be expected from the Telltale format. Really hope Dramatic Labs/Bruner House get another crack at it.

Sharp, mostly chill co-op experience with some really stylish locations (that the Agent player mostly gets to enjoy). Not sure how much, if at all, the puzzles change during replays.

Not many games where a crocodile tells you "I want to eat 0melette rice" and you can actually deliver.

Played this for nearly 50 hours without ever opening a single prison. Instead I built a series of offices, lounges, and staff rooms, and built a highly lucrative logging industry.