4 reviews liked by flatterghast

This game makes me WONDER when NINTENDO is gonna make A GOOD GAME god this game is just a Buffalo diarrhea ear in the anus (I 100% the game IN SPITE OF THE “”””Nintendo””””) …. Gee… thanks nintendo for making another TWO-DEE Mario game…. Unoriginal much!? V?? I speak for every NINTENDER out there… we WANT MARIO’S JELQING ODYSEEY 2!!!!

I wish I loved Cruelty Squad, but I just don't. All of its parts are great, but the game as a whole just isn't clicking with me like I'd hoped. I'll likely return to Cruelty Squad, as I think my opinion on it is likely to change, and I didn't get far into it. It's worth checking out if you have the opportunity.

EDIT: I did return to Cruelty Squad after a short break, and my opinion on it has become a lot more positive. I don't know what changed, but it finally clicked with me. It's a unique yet flawed experience. In all honesty, I'd probably give it 5 stars if it weren't for the final mission, which seems to have been made to piss the player off.

RIP George Orwell you would've loved Cruelty Squad

This is a game that feels like it ignores what would be considered the "correct" way to make a video game and yet still ends up being one of the most fun I've ever played.